Technology Dissemination Workshop
The ENI CBC Med LIVINGAGRO Project would like to invite you to a Technology Dissemination Workshop taking place on
Tuesday, 27 June at 10.00 Rome time.
Covering innovations in agroforestry systems, this Technology Dissemination Workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss innovations from experiments in the Living Labs of the LIVINGAGRO project, which is funded by the ENI CBC Mediterranean Basin Program.
The focus will be on Silvopastoral Systems (Living Lab 2, “Grazed Woodlands”). More specifically, the innovation of “Virtual fences and GPS collars” will be discussed.
Aimed at an international audience, the workshop will be held in English.
Attached, please find the poster with the Agenda and the registration link.
Here, you can find another option for registration to the Workshop, clicking on the link:
passcode: 433079
We warmly invite you to register at LIVIGNAGRO ICT platform and contribute to the discussions into the CROSS BORDER LIVING LABORATORIES FOR AGROFORESTRY
Trusting in your participation, we look forward to seeing you online!